

My name is Lindsay. I love to write, sew, and shop. I’m obsessed with Dr. Pepper, Target, candy, bags, and organization. Oh, and I’m a self-certified Grammar Police. Be scared. And yes, that gives you full rights to call me out on any grammar mistakes I make on my blog.

photo credit: Linda Jordan, Hot Philosophy
I am blessed beyond measure to be married to the most amazing man on the planet, Joshua. He makes my heart so happy. We are kids pastors in Fairbanks, Alaska. We get to spend lots of time with some awesome kiddos. We have a sweet daughter, Nora, and a fur-baby, Penny.

I am forgiven and saved by Jesus Christ, and I’m daily seeking to draw closer to Him and know Him more. He is my rock, my strength, my King, and my first love. My goal for this blog is to share with you what HE shares with ME.

I hope you find something on my blog to be encouraging, uplifting, or inspiring. Click on the links above to find me on Twitter, Pinterest, and Facebook! 

Thanks for stoppin' by!


  1. Hi! Found you through the Linky Here Ad Space link up. I was wondering if you would be interested in an Ad Swap? I couldn't find a way to email you so I had to leave this in the comments. Let me know!

    1. I would love to! Please email me at shoplindsayladon[at]gmail[dot]com and we'll chat!!

  2. You and your husband are adorable!

  3. Love this :) I get so excited when I find other bloggers who are in ministry too! My husband is a youth pastor and I love to follow him around and build relationships with our students too :)

  4. I don't see a button to follow you on Blogger, so I'm going to bookmark your blog. :)

  5. Hi, Linday! You (among other people) have inspired me to start blogging! Only, I've NEVER done it before, so I need serious help with my page. Any help would be appreciated! Thanks!
