Friday, March 8


Have you ever prayed your guts out?

Okay, maybe not literally (hopefully!) -- but you know what I mean.

Have you ever prayed and prayed and prayed and prayed and prayed until you felt like you'd run out of things to say?

I have.

And have you ever prayed your guts out (figuratively, remember?) not really expecting to hear back from the Lord? Like you put a limit on him and didn't expect him to come through for you? Like you forgot that he's the God of the impossible and has the power to make anything and everything under the sun happen?

And then...

He speaks. Whether it be audibly or through a situation.

And you're like, "WOAH! Woah, God! I totally wasn't expecting this! Now what do I do??????"

I have.

And it's not because I didn't have faith in God while I was praying my guts out. Honestly, in the last few weeks, I've felt like I've had more faith in him than I ever have before. 

But putting your faith totally and completely in God and letting go of your own circumstances brings on an uncomfortable amount of uncertainty. And I don't know about you, but uncertainty makes me nervous.

So here's where I stand right now. I'm repeating Psalm 77:11-12 over and over and over again.

And suddenly...I'm okay.

I'm reminded that God didn't need my help to create the world.
He didn't need my help to keep it running for thousands of years before I made my appearance.
He didn't need my help bringing me into the world.
He didn't need my help getting me to where I'm at today.
And he sure doesn't need my help now.

He wants me to let Him take care of it.
He wants me to trust him.
He wants me to recall all he's done for me before today. To think about it constantly. And to never forget about the endless love he has for me and the immeasurable strength he has to take care of me. 

When life is full of uncertainties, recall all God has done. Soon you'll find yourself doubting less and resting more.

((click play. open up a new tab in your browser and keep surfing. just let this song resonate in your ears. you'll be blessed. promise.))


1 comment:

  1. Needed this today, my dear! loved how you said "When life is full of uncertainties, recall all God has done. Soon you'll find yourself doubting less and resting more." When I think about all he has done in my life, I can't help but be at peace. Thank you!!
