Monday, February 2

a blank page to be filled...

I'm looking at the next page of my story. It's blank. I have no idea what stories God might pen there. And to be honest, part of me isn't ready to leave the page I'm on right now. Can I just go back and reread it over and over and over?

A baby's on the way!...
Happy Graduation to Me!...
We're moving to Alaska!...
Welcome to the world, Nora Sue!...

So many HAPPY things happened over the last year, and I'm in this state of mommy-bliss that I could stay in forever. These lasts couple seasons certainly weren't challenge-free, but I learned and grew and loved so much, that they are a couple of my favorites.

But new things have to get to come. 

(Click "Read more" to see the rest of this post!)

God has more to my story, and I get to find out what it might be! I'm a good mix of excited and anxious to see what words will fill this blank page. I wonder what kind of different I'll be by the time it's full. How will I have grown? What will I have learned? What will I have accomplished? Who will I have met? To where will I have travelled? What heartache will I have faced and overcome? 

The thought of the future can sometimes be overwhelming and exciting all at the same time. But I can't help but anticipate what's to come. I'm so hungry for growth lately. I have dreams, and I want to see them come true. I have visions, and I want God to fulfill them in my life. God has called me, and I want to answer.

I ran across this photo on Instagram a few days ago, and it keeps coming to mind. It's not always easy to blindly trust in God, but man, am I thankful that I can. ((My heart aches for those who are so lost that they don't even realize - or they forget - they have a Savior and an Anchor in Christ. May I work hard every day to share the Good News with them.)) 

Here's to leaning on the grace of God while I walk in His good, pleasing and perfect will for my life.

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